consultation (up to 60min)
We can talk about your situation and goals, and how to get your ready to stand on your own 2 legs and walk this Earth as living man or woman (John Smith) and Executor and Authorized Representative of your estate (JOHN SMITH).
If you’re serious about starting living your life as free living man or woman you have to start with learning how to express trespasses against you in form of an Affidavit.
You have to stand strong on your own 2 legs
The entire idea of living as free living woman or man is based on the principle that you stand on your own 2 legs and act in your own behalf.
I want to help you understand who you are, principles of Constitution and Common Law to equip you in knowledge that will allow you to stand for yourself.
I'm not here to do the work for you or to "represent" you in court as I'm not a lawyer.
I'm free, living woman, daughter of God who stands for herself and I can share my knowledge and experience but my 2 legs are for me to stand on, you need to learn how to stand on yours.
I will not fish and give you fish to eat, I will teach you how to fish so you can do it for yourself.